Once you see, you cannot unsee- Ponderings about Jesus.

Jesus embodies change. Transmutation of the present moment. He healed people, sure, but he inspired countless others to consider their reality. To think about what they and others were doing and the impact it had on others still and the world surrounding them. The Universe and its perceptible elements of a situation, not stories or … Continue reading Once you see, you cannot unsee- Ponderings about Jesus.

What I Am Doing.

What would my Highest Imaginative Self be doing at this present moment?Would she still be sleeping? Meditating? Going for a run? Doing dishes? Or laundry? Or performing a Reiki session? Driving to the mountains? Drinking water? Eating a luxurious breakfast in bed? Swimming? Wandering in nature? Sitting in the dimming light of the sunset? Sitting … Continue reading What I Am Doing.

Gratitude Vs. Reverence.

I find gratitude a dead-end (see my post “I’m so grateful.”). I have used it as a dead-end, anyway. A way to stop exploring something. I stop looking deeper into the wonder.  ‘I’m grateful for (blank). Thank goodness it’s awesome. The end.’  It’s a relief it’s here; a one-time gift. When I engage with something … Continue reading Gratitude Vs. Reverence.

To Do or To Untangle.

I am feeling restrained by mindfulness this morning. My desire to do *everything* is flared.  But this nagging feeling comes in: ‘remember mindfulness, remember this body, embody a regulated nervous system.’  I rebel.  I feel this desperate urge to MOVE, to DO, to PRODUCE, to ACHIEVE, and even at this moment, to WRITE. It is … Continue reading To Do or To Untangle.