
September is here. School is back on. Autumn is 3 weeks away. This has always been a time of change for me.  I've found myself so dysregulated lately, the last week particularly, and I have seen it as another opportunity to explore.  Why am I so stressed out? My daughter is going back to school. … Continue reading Changes.

The Present Moment

"The Present MomentNothing missing. Nothing extra. Simultaneously nothing and everything."Twitter post 25 October 2021 I've been exploring some aspects of my Universe lately. What I've come back to over and over again is that the Present Moment is our point of entry into a life beyond our conditioned responses. Bring your awareness to where you … Continue reading The Present Moment

How Can I Best Show Up?

When you show up for something consistently, the activity becomes a comfortable place to be and space for expansion and wonder. When I was running long distances, I would get settled in my pace and I was able to ponder creative insights and solutions to all of my daily issues. Currently I have a journaling … Continue reading How Can I Best Show Up?

Heaven on Earth.

What is your idea of heaven on Earth? Every human has their basic needs met.Every human addresses their shit- (ie- their trauma, their conditioning, their inner world, their ego, etc).Every human is connected to their awareness/soul.Every human feels and acknowledges their intuition.Every human does what lights them up.Every human has a purpose that is no … Continue reading Heaven on Earth.